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27/06/13: Lunamara


27/06/13: Biosasso


17/06/13: Tharnadar

ora puoi smantellare tutto

17/06/13: Tharnadar

vai luna, hai i permessi

18/05/13: Lunamara

Segnatevi, pigroni!

15/05/13: Lunamara



support EQdkp-Plus
Custodi della Fiamma di Anor Giakori | Dwarf - Runekeeper
Accountname: Professione 1 Professione 2 Professione 3 Earned Spent Adjustment Current
Ost Dunhoth 25 0 2 27

Attendance by Event
Last 30 Days: 0% of raids
Last 60 Days: 0% of raids
Last 90 Days: 0% of raids
Lifetime (08/13/10 - 06/27/11): 36% of raids

Raid Attendance History
Date Name Note Earned
06/27/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease disease 1.00
06/21/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease disease 1.00
06/21/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison poison 0.00
06/16/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound   1.00
06/14/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease disease 1.00
06/14/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison poison 1.00
06/07/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound wound 1.00
06/06/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease disease 1.00
06/06/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison poison 0.00
05/25/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison poison 1.00
05/18/11 Ost Dunhoth - Fear   1.00
05/17/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound wound 1.00
05/17/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison poison 0.00
05/16/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound   1.00
04/27/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound   1.00
04/26/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison   1.00
04/26/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison   1.00
04/25/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease disease 1.00
04/19/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison   1.00
04/18/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease disease 1.00
04/12/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison   1.00
04/07/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound wound 1.00
04/07/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease disease 1.00
04/06/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease   1.00
04/05/11 Ost Dunhoth - Disease   1.00
03/30/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound   1.00
03/29/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound   1.00
03/28/11 Ost Dunhoth - Wound   1.00
02/24/11 Dol Guldur - Gemelli cargaraf and morgaraf 0.00
02/24/11 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
02/21/11 Dol Guldur - Lieutenant Lieutenant 0.00
02/10/11 Dol Guldur - Gemelli cargaraf and morgaraf 0.00
02/10/11 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
12/02/10 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
11/29/10 Dol Guldur - Lieutenant Lieutenant 0.00
11/22/10 Dol Guldur - Lieutenant Lieutenant 0.00
11/18/10 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
11/18/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
11/11/10 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
11/11/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
11/08/10 Dol Guldur - Lieutenant Lieutenant 0.00
11/04/10 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
11/04/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
11/01/10 Lieutenant   0.00
10/22/10 DN 2010   0.00
10/21/10 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
10/21/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
10/18/10 Dol Guldur - Lieutenant Lieutenant 0.00
10/14/10 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
10/14/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
10/07/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
10/07/10 Dol Guldur - Durchest Dúrchest 0.00
09/23/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
08/26/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
08/19/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
08/13/10 Dol Guldur - Gemelli Cargaraf and Morgaraf 0.00
... found 56 attended raid(s) / 100 per page

Item Purchase History
Date Name Raid Spent
05/17/11 Western Heroes' Shoulder-guards Medallion Ost Dunhoth - Poison 0.00
04/25/11 Onyx and Emerald Ring Ost Dunhoth - Disease 0.00
04/25/11 Cushion-cut Emerald Ring Ost Dunhoth - Disease 0.00
04/18/11 Symbol of the Elder King Ost Dunhoth - Disease 0.00
04/18/11 Western Heroes' Boots Medallion Ost Dunhoth - Disease 0.00
02/17/11 Symbol of Celebrimbor Dol Guldur 0.00
02/03/11 Symbol of Celebrimbor Dol Guldur - Durchest 0.00
01/31/11 Symbol of Celebrimbor Dol Guldur - Lieutenant 0.00
01/24/11 Dark Emblem of Heart Dol Guldur - Lieutenant 0.00
11/29/10 Symbol of Celebrimbor Dol Guldur - Lieutenant 0.00
11/08/10 Dark Emblem of Resolve Dol Guldur - Lieutenant 0.00
10/22/10 Greater Elf-stone of Hand DN 2010 0.00
10/21/10 Handechor Dol Guldur - Durchest 0.00
10/07/10 Dark Emblem of Hand Dol Guldur - Gemelli 0.00
10/07/10 Dark Emblem of Spirit Dol Guldur - Gemelli 0.00
09/30/10 Thôl-Ernil Dol Guldur - Durchest 0.00
09/23/10 Dark Emblem of Strength Dol Guldur - Durchest 0.00
09/23/10 Dark Emblem of Courage Dol Guldur - Durchest 0.00
... found 18 purchased item(s) / 100 per page

Individual Adjustment History
Date Raid Reason Adjustment
04/21/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison   1.00
04/11/11 Ost Dunhoth - Poison   1.00
... found 2 individual adjustment(s)

Attendance by Event
Event Percent
Ost Dunhoth - Poison
9 (64%)
Ost Dunhoth - Disease
9 (60%)
Dol Guldur - Gemelli
12 (44%)
Ost Dunhoth - Wound
9 (33%)
Dol Guldur - Durchest
9 (33%)
Ost Dunhoth - Fear
1 (33%)
DN 2010
1 (25%)
Dol Guldur - Lieutenant
5 (19%)
1 (8%)


No entries
